**Knitting Pattern Overview**: This knitting pattern features a Left Border, Center Body, Right Border design that repeats Rows 2 to 17 a total of **three times**, resulting in a comfortable and stylish piece. Please note that you'll leave out the last Row 17, bringing the total stitch count to **236 stitches** for the project. A special thank you to kayemgee for clarifying the pattern instructions, making this project easier to follow!
**Pattern Details**: To enhance clarity, each section of this pattern will outline the row repeats tailored for each size, allowing for a more organized approach to your knitting journey. Here’s a detailed breakdown:
**Left Front Section**: For both sizes, you'll work from Rows **1 to 8** initially. From there, the continuation varies by size: the **Small size** will complete **2 repeats of Rows 9-24**, totaling **40 rows**. Meanwhile, the **Large size** will also work **2 repeats of Rows 9-24**, followed by an additional **repeat of Rows 9-16**, making it a total of **48 rows**. Once you’ve finished the pattern repeats for the Left Front, make sure to cut the yarn and leave a long tail for easy weaving in later.
**Centre Back Section**: In this section, both sizes will repeat **Rows 1 and 2** a total of **2 times**, resulting in **6 rows**. For the **Small size**, the next step involves repeating **Rows 7 and 8** for a total of **16 times**, making the row total for this section **38 rows**. The **Large size** will repeat **Rows 7 and 8** a total of **20 times**, amounting to **46 rows** in this part of the pattern.
**Right Front Section**: Similar to the Left Front, both sizes will start by knitting through Rows **1 to 6**. Here’s where the paths diverge: the **Small size** continues with **2 repeats of Rows 7-22**, culminating in **38 rows**. The **Large size**, however, replicates **2 repeats of Rows 7-22**, then will finish with **Rows 7 to 14**, leading to a full total of **46 rows** for this section.
This comprehensive knitting pattern is designed for ease of understanding and successful completion, making it perfect for both novice and experienced knitters. Enjoy your knitting experience as you create a beautiful garment with stylish borders and a lovely center body!