Color Dippy (Baktus Variation)
When I began knitting Strikkelise's popular Bactus scarf, I was inspired to create my own variation. I wanted to incorporate a delightful border and a striped design featuring knit and purl sections, which added a unique twist to the traditional style. I'm excited to share that Strikkelise has generously permitted me to publish my modified version of the Baktus scarf, allowing fellow knitting enthusiasts to enjoy this new take on a classic pattern.
This scarf pattern offers flexibility—you can knit it as long or as short as you like, tailoring it to your personal style or the specific yarn you choose. Perfect for knitters of all skill levels, it combines simple techniques with a charming design, making it a great project for anyone looking to unleash their creativity.
As I look forward to the knitting, I am also facing a personal challenge. On Monday, I will undergo surgery due to some health complications. It turns out I only have half the blood a normal person has, which has led to issues with my arm—specifically, trapped nerves and persistent numbness in my fingers. I have a large myom that needs to be removed, and unfortunately, my arm isn't healing as hoped. 2014 has certainly been a tough year for me.
I would truly appreciate your support during this time! Please wish me luck by favoriting this knitting pattern—it would mean the world to me. A heartfelt thanks to everyone for your encouragement!
I've even composed a little get-well song for my elbow, which you can listen to here. (It's a .wav file.)
Als ich das Baktusmuster von Strikkeliese gestrickt habe, kam dabei meine eigene Version heraus, weil ich einen kleinen Rand und ein zweifarbiges, gestreiftes Tuch mit linken und rechten Maschen haben wollte. Strikkelise hat mir freundlicherweise erlaubt, meine angepasste Version zu veröffentlichen, damit auch andere Strickbegeisterte Freude daran haben können.