Pattern Stacks
Grand River Stole - knitting pattern

Grand River Stole


At first glance, the beauty of this design may seem chaotic, with waves of lace and ripples of vibrant color blending together. Layers of intricate texture coalesce, revealing an unexpected splash of brilliance just behind you! However, once you immerse yourself in the artistry of this piece, you'll begin to discern the intricate pattern. You'll notice how each element flows harmoniously together, creating a sense of order—and you'll find your own place within it.

This stunning stole is inspired by the constantly evolving landscape of the Grand River as it meanders through Southwestern Ontario, just a stone's throw from Wellington Fibres. Its design features two captivating lace patterns interwoven with soothing sections of garter stitch, all in varying widths to enhance the visual interest. The stole begins at its widest point, rapidly decreasing in size, symbolizing the natural flow of the river as it follows the path of least resistance—downstream, much like the gentle current of water itself.

This comprehensive knitting pattern includes complete written instructions, making it easy for you to follow along, as well as detailed charts illustrating the lace patterns during both the increase and decrease sections. Whether you're an experienced knitter or just beginning your journey, this stole pattern offers a delightful and relaxing experience, empowering you to create a beautiful, wearable piece of art. Dive into this knitting adventure and embrace the rhythm of the Grand River through your stitches!

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