Green Pastures Braille
Vision and Colorblindness Accessibility in Knitting Patterns: This comprehensive knitting pattern is designed with inclusivity in mind. Included with the pattern is an extra PDF specifically created in a large, 24-point sans serif font (Arial) featuring high-contrast black text on a crisp white background. The design intentionally avoids italics to ensure maximum readability for all users. Every step of the knitting instructions is fully articulated and has been meticulously tested using VoiceOver technology for the visually impaired.
Additionally, this accessible pattern features charts located on the last two pages of the extra PDF. These charts include symbols for stitches and repeats, presented solely in black and grey scale, making them easy to interpret for individuals with colorblindness. Our goal is to ensure that every knitting enthusiast, regardless of visual ability, can enjoy the creative process. Download your accessible knitting pattern today and experience the joy of crafting with materials that prioritize vision and colorblindness accessibility!