Ladawan's Shawl
This stunning shawl, inspired by renowned designer Ladawan, has gained immense popularity among our knitting group, leading many of us to request the pattern. After closely examining her technique, I decided to write out the instructions for this beautiful crescent-shaped shawl. The design features a delightful eyelet increase throughout the body, culminating in a charming ruffle at the end. This flouncy shawl not only adds elegance to any outfit but also serves as a fantastic project for knitters of all skill levels.
For the Ty-Dy variation, I adapted the pattern by completing only 9 rows for the ruffle section. To enhance its solid appearance, I substituted M1 increases in place of traditional yarn overs (YO’s). The result is a visually appealing shawl that I truly adore. Unfortunately, I ran out of yarn while working on the ruffle, which meant I had to bind off on a purl row. To add an interesting textured edge on the right side, I chose to bind off in knit stitch.
As for finishing touches, I was initially uncertain about how to effectively block the ruffled edge, but I absolutely love how the points create a lovely scalloped effect, drawing attention to the beautiful yarn colors. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced knitter, this shawl pattern is not only enjoyable to make but also a perfect addition to your collection. Explore our website for more free and paid knitting patterns, and embrace the joy of knitting with this exquisite shawl!