Wayward Path
Are you ready to create a beautiful, long flat scarf with a unique technique? When you say you’re going to knit in the round and then cut your knitting, some might envision a complicated process. However, this method is actually a simple and quick way to craft a soft, lacy, fringed scarf that will not only keep you warm but also make a stunning fashion statement. In this knitting pattern, you will work sections of plain stocking stitch at the beginning and end of each round, forming your “steek.” These carefully crafted stitches are the ones you will ultimately cut through at the end of the project.
This scarf pattern is an excellent opportunity to try steeking (cutting your knitting) for the very first time, and don’t worry! You are encouraged to let your stitches unravel. It’s all part of the fun and the creative process. So gather your crafting supplies, and let’s embark on a delightful knitting adventure!
For this project, you will need 125 meters of two colors of chunky yarn. Choose colors that complement each other for a stunning visual effect. This free knitting pattern is perfect for knitters of all skill levels who want to explore new techniques while making a stylish accessory. So, grab your knitting needles and get ready to create a trendy scarf that showcases your newfound steeking skills!